Group at Spring ACS National Meeting

The group recently had the pleasure to attend the 2024 Spring ACS meeting in New Orleans. They experienced some significant flight delays that resulted in Gabbie and Dylan arriving at 3:00a to their hotel. The next day Gabbie powered through on about three hours of sleep to give a talk on her recent work implementing constrained multicomponent MP2:

(As is probably clear from the better quality of this photo compared to the ACS MWRM photos, Kurt got a new phone for Christmas)

Dylan presented a poster on his recent work investigating the accuracy of vibrationally averaged dipole moments calculated with DFT-VPT2:

In combination with Prof. Yang Yang of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Sharon Hammes-Schiffer of Princeton University, Kurt co-organized a symposium at the meeting on “Coupled-Quantum Systems.” He also ate gumbo every day while in New Orleans.

All-in-all, it was a successful conference. We were happy for the chance to catch up with old friends and meet many researchers whose work we had admired from a distance.

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